19 - Siegfried Linkwitz, Which loudspeaker
parameters are important to create the illusion of a live performance in the
living room?, 113th AES
Convention, Los Angeles, 2002, October 5-8, Preprint
The preference in loudspeaker product
design is for small size, while preserving maximum low frequency extension and
output volume. If the goal is to create a realistic reproduction of a live
event, then certain speaker parameters must be adequately controlled, such as
volume displacement, intermodulation distortion, stored energy and off-axis
frequency response. Components must be carefully selected for low distortion
performance. Parameters like phase linearity and cabinet diffraction are
sometimes overrated. Multi-channel speaker setups require propagation delay
correction and bass management, if not all speakers cover the full frequency
range. These issues are reviewed at the advent of high resolution surround
sound. The new technology can only fulfill its promise and expand into more than
a niche market, if capable loudspeakers are widely available.
Overhead slides of the

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