ORION-3.5N - All material is copyrighted and for the personal, non-commercial use by the person who bought it from LINKWITZ LAB. It may not be passed on in any form for use by others. | Terms & Conditions | PCB Rev. 03072011 orion-4 A - Circuit schematic
When correctly assembled the frequency response of the new pcb closely matches that of the original pcb for ORION-4.
A - Circuit schematic
B - Component placement
U5A stage R and C labels, which are
not to be loaded with components
C - Material listmaterial list35-O4pcb-102211.xls Parts supply sources: DigiKey, Mouser, Newark, Allied, Jameco, Farnell, CALRAD, ZACK and others. Capacitor availability search at Mouser Capacitor availability search at DigiKey Agilent Technologies makes a U1701B Handheld Capacitance Meter ($158) for selecting capacitors to 2% or tighter tolerances.
D - Input-to-output frequency response1 September 2012 - Frequency response with R22 = 1.78k and measured at TP1, TP2, TP4 and W, M, T outputs
E - Spot frequency response test tables
F - Cabinet with W-frame woofer
Midrange driver mounting Revision 1/19/06 of the ORION Construction Kit
Documentation describes an obsolete mounting scheme for the midrange driver, by
screwing it directly to the midrange and tweeter baffle A. Instead, the midrange
driver should be held by the magnet. See https://www.linkwitzlab.com/orion-rev1.htm
. While it is not absolutely necessary to use this different mounting scheme to
obtain good sound, it should be noted that all development work for ORION-3.3
was done with a magnet mounted midrange. I cannot say what is lost without
magnet mounting, since I never reverted back to panel mounting in the evolution
of these loudspeakers. A midrange driver mounting kit is available from Wood Artistry. G - Revisions14 September 2012 - Note R22 was changed following the observations in the Experimenter's Corner below. 20 October 2011 - First posting of this page.
I - Experimenter's Corner